Commercial Cleaners Fight the Spread of Infections in Medical Facilities

Each year, the number of patients who get diagnosed with “hospital-acquired” infections rise. Medical facilities are a breeding ground for infections and disease and an infection that patients are meeting is Staphylococcus Aureus or otherwise known as MRSA. MRSA is a deadly skin infection that spreads mainly through skin-to-skin contact.  


Typically found on the surface of the skin, the MRSA bacteria, does sometimes enter the body and cause serious complications, even death. In addition to skin-to-skin contact, MRSA is spread through skin-contamination object contact, compromised skin contact, crowding and lack of cleanliness.


Due to the 1.7 million “hospital-acquired” healthcare-associated infections that occur each year (according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there’s been much discussion on how to combat MRSA and other infection breakouts in hospitals. Even though a hospital’s infectious disease department follows guidelines for keeping patients safe from infections, it doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen.


One of the most important factors to consider when attempting to control the spread of infections is proper cleanliness.


Proper hand hygiene and patient room cleaning are critical to preventing the spread of infections.


  • The above two reasons are the most common contributors to the spread of hospital-related infections.


  • When medical staff touch soiled items or surfaces, bacteria will live on the skin or surface for a while and can certainly contaminate anyone else who comes in contact.


  • By using strong disinfects on hands and surfaces, the chances of spreading germs and bacteria can decrease.


Microfiber has become a leading material for floor and surface cleaning in hospitals and medical facilities.


  • Microfiber is able to absorb all bacteria or germs found on surfaces.


  • Microfiber can be used for dust and wet mopping as well as surface cleaning.   Traditional string mops and hand cloths house bacteria, which will spread from surface to surface.


  • With microfiber, you’re also using a fresh mop head with each clean rather than trying to disinfect with a dirty mop head.


Many hospitals are now requiring the use of state of the art vacuum systems to remove dust on surfaces.


  • This way, dust particles won’t be left behind or left floating in the air from swiping.


Hospitals and medical facilities often hire outside cleaning sources, like ours, to tackle the task of making sure their environment is clean and safe for staff and patients. We use high-grade products that thoroughly clean all surfaces susceptible to spreading germs and infections. To learn more about our cleaning services, be sure to contact our office.




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